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Old 06-27-2018, 03:56 PM
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Default Camaro/Firebird Night at Mark's Classic Cruise

Just posting this here but it seems that nobody posts LOL anymore. I logon, click on new posts, and it almost always comes up "no new posts"? Maybe this group should be on Facebook? There are several F-Boddy FB pages but nothing for the Northeast. Anyway, people have asked Mark if they would run a Camaro/Firebird Themed Night in 2018, and they said that no club or group has volunteered to "sponsor" the event so unless somebody does... there won't be one this year.

My understanding of "sponsoring" means that a dozen or so volunteers have to be available prior to opening the gates and their function is to direct cars where to park. IOW, it could be haphazard with Firebirds mixed in with Camaros or try to keep the Camaros in one area and the Firebirds together. Naturally, you can't control the generations because as they arrive you have to park them. I think a trophy is awarded to a car picked by the volunteers (not one of their own of course) for best Camaro and best Firebird.

Don't know if there are a dozen people here willing to volunteer, but I'm posting this for information. I'm going to post it over on Team Camaro as well.

Just as an aside... Monday night was a Corvette Themed Night and they had 381 corvettes show up. I believe the total thru the gate number was 853 vehicles.

Post up if you're interested.

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